Steve Works

Hi! I'm Steve!

Steve Chen brand with reach across platforms like Meetup, Discord, Linkedin, and X. 

Let's chat - send me an email at 

Shoutouts & Mentions

Table of Contents


Communities I've built and participate in-person, primarily.

A. Code & Coffee Collective 501c3

Rebooted the Code & Coffee meetups during a pandemic by kicking off NYC Code & Coffee in September 2021. 

More details at

Case Study: Empowering Developers at NYC Code & Coffee


Code & Coffee ( is a community that provides a space for developers to meet, work on projects, and learn from each other. The community hosts regular meetups where members can collaborate, share their knowledge, and connect on software topics of their own choosing.


NYC Code & Coffee faced the challenge of maintaining a supportive environment and ensuring members continued learning and growing.


To address these challenges, the following initiatives were undertaken:

Key Results and Outcomes 

These initiatives led to increased engagement and member satisfaction.

B. Product & Pastries

I founded and actively facilitated the only community-led product management and product design meetup. 

 Like Code & Coffee, we're community-led! 

Case Study: Boosting Inclusion and Collaboration at DC Design + Donuts


DC Design + Donuts ( is a community that brings together design enthusiasts in the Washington, D.C., area. The community hosts monthly meetups where members can network, learn about design topics, and share their experiences in a casual environment.


DC Design + Donuts faced the challenge of expanding its membership and re-engagement with members as the end of the pandemic drew upon us.


To address these challenges, the following initiatives were implemented:

Key Results and Outcomes

The initiatives led to significant growth and engagement in the community.

C. FuzhouAmerica 501c3 

Served as volunteer Community Manager for the DC/MD/VA region at a non-technical 501c3 centralized non-profit. 

Fuzhou, America is the first 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to empower Fuzhounese-Americans through entrepreneurship, mentorship, and community.

D. Portfolio of Tech Meetups (in-person and online)

With a combined reach of 20,000+ developers on and 30+ tech organizations. We strive for consistent high-quality events every two weeks or month. I run the most prominent non-company attached developer reach on the platform, with over 50+ volunteer community managers who operate the community accross 25 cities in the United States.  

We're trusted by organizations like Couchbase, Swimm,  FormLabs, General Assembly, BrainStation, The Loading Dock, Computer Museum of America, Viget, TechArtista, Computer Museum of America, and many more. 

Founded and collaboratively operate

Format: (CITY) Code & Coffees - Member count

Community-led Code & Coffee groups 

*These numbers are not updated.

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Community - Online

E. Discord

Join the Online Community Discord now 👉 


A. Graphic Design 

0 to 1 on social media developer brand awareness projects, from vision to execution and sustained iterative excellence. I build the symbiotic relationship between my brand and the Code & Coffee brand involving high-engagement, consistent, and quality content that promote events. 

#SteveSpeaks - Personal Brand (October 2023 - November 2023)

A 2 month campaign to build personal brand as a community development leader and promote collaborative events. See Speaking section below!

Monthly Global Promotional Poster Campaign (Feb 2023 - June 2023)

Posters that promote the first event in each city and builds the C&C brand as THE community-run meetup community that's bringing back in-person meetups. Built end-to-end.

The Inaugural

NYC Wrap up posters

Collages that show off the diversity of our members in the most diverse cities in the world, NYC. This inspires 20 other chapters to work toward a feature-fledged local community ecosystem similar to NYC Code & Coffee. 

May 2023

April 2023

April 2023

March 2023

March 2023

Feburary 2023

Logo (NYC and global)

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B. Social Media Campaigns

B2B digital brand Awareness strategy involving using routine unique bi-weekly and monthly graphic content to produce leads and increase community brand value.

In early 2022, I had the idea of doing 100 30-minute to 1hr long phone calls with aspiring software developers sourced from Twitter. It also unintentionally inspired 109+ developers to get into tech, with over 20+ asking to volunteer for C&C. Outcome: Increased Twitter following, improved phone communication skills, and improved storytelling ability.

3. Maintaining LinkedIn Social Selling Index - Personal (Current)

The LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI) is a tool developed by LinkedIn to measure a user's effectiveness in establishing their professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights, and building relationships on LinkedIn.

Get more details here.

4. LinkedIn User-generated Content for Code & Coffee (Current) 

C&C attendees and volunteers organically create User Generated Content (tagging @Code & Coffee) weekly with self-taken pictures or shoutouts from the weekend events. 

The C&C community generates a consistent stream of high-value User Generated content, growing at 200+ followers per month and creating compounding exponential growth network effects. 

See Code & Coffee's Feed

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C. Speaking **RECENT**

2. Techwalk Community: Community Leader Panel - November 2023

Serve on a LIVE virtual panel about leveraging your community memberships and navigating the community world. Audio coming soon. 

3. AWS Community Day DC/MD/VA: The Art of Community talk - October 2023

Keynote as the Community speaker for Amazon Web Services Community Day DC/MD/VA 2023. 

Talk on The Art of Community: Building Thriving Meetups at HQ2 being the only talk about community. 

4. DC Startup Week: Product Panel - October 2023

Be a panelist at DC Startup Week 2023 for the Product & Pastries Meetup's Product Management panel. 

5. Tech Talk: Getting your first tech job as a college dropout - May 2019

Matz (the creator of Ruby) and I!

I gave a talk to over 30 attendees, and 19/20 retained at a community-led ad-hoc affair afterward! 

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D. Video 

Short-form (Instagram)

4.8% of all impressions engaged with the video. I likely won't use my personal Instagram for any prioritized technical content in 2023; instead, it will foster closer connections with existing brand and developer relationships.

Our largest meetup (ever) for Fuzhou America DC/MD/VA region! 

Youtube Brand Storytelling 

Produce videos about the stories behind Code & Coffee

The origin story of New York Code & Coffee

Meetup Feature spotlight by emmy-award winning Thomas C Knox

Event Promo

NYC Code & Coffee video at General Assembly Venue

NYC Code & Coffee video at BrainStation Venue

E. Podcast 

Guest on Chat With Hackers

Coming 2024: The Code & Coffee Podcast 

Name pending. A podcast hosted by me with guest co-host Casey Watts, a former lead dev at Heroku and SrPM at USCIS, and author of Debugging Your Brain. Confirmed for a 4-episode series on community-led community building. 

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F. Written 

Code & Coffee Monthly Update - Discord (June 2023 - Current)

I post monthly updates featuring a chapter monthly and keeping the community updated of what's happening across the 30 Code & Coffee chapters! Check it out now ->

Openbase Newsletter (July - August 2022)

At Openbase, one of my core responsibilities was solo-writing a weekly newsletter for 55,000 developers with a unique 65% open rate and a <1% unsub. With my product-minded thinking, the content and newsletter product got better and overall metrics improved to over 80% open rates. 

Click on the images for the full article; if you need a copy of the original email, please email me at, and I'll happily forward them! 

(Jul 16) Openbase Weekly: Hologram CSS-only shaders, pkg, and our new Community Manager 👔🚀
(Jul 24) Openbase Weekly: Homepage updates, sponsoring an NYC meetup, Vue 2.7.8 update, and Common JS issues developers face 🚀
(Jul 31) Openbase Weekly: Homepage updates, pnpm 7.7.1 alternative package manager, Discussion of the week, and 15 JavaScript Mistakes I've seen 📮
(Aug 7) Openbase Weekly: CSS Gradients, Testable Frontend, and pain-free Discussions 📋
(Aug 13) Openbase Weekly: New Personalization Sneak Peek, IRL event in NY, and Juice 👀
(Aug 20) Openbase Weekly: We're at Algolia DevCon, Location-based React app tutorial, Our Beta Tester program 💽
(Aug 29) Openbase Weekly: A New Design, toggle buttons, and efficient workflows 📏


A. Open Source Projects 

I play around with code occasionally, fiddling with our C&C websites. The projects below are projects that I empowered other developers to make open-source and personally advocate on their behalf. 

Code Contributions

Product Management

B. Web Design and development

Software Engineering (2016 - 2022)

I was an early employee at a unicorn called Arcadia, a startup acquired by Grubhub, had a company acquired by PE at Framebridge, and worked with the non-profit, KaBOOM! Additionally, I was the Head of Developer Relations at a seed-stage startup. 

You can find those details on those on my LinkedIn

Below are individual projects that I'm proud of.

 KaBOOM! Map of Play (2016)

KaBOOM! Map of Play v2

KaBOOM's Map of Play is the largest playground locator in the world with 50,000+ unique visitors monthly, a RESTful API and mobile apps that use it. KaBOOM! a national non-profit that builds playgrounds for kids and promote plays in low-income adverse communities.

My role in this project was to spearhead the rewrite of the backend implementing new features, testing, database design, integration with multiple libraries and gems. The entire goal of this project was to move away from their unopen legacy app riddled with incompatible technologies, unsolvable bugs, lack of tests, and general code smell due to 3rd party developers. All work was done during my Software Engineering internship at KaBOOM! within an agile team with daily pair programming and code reviews with the software engineering manager to ensure ideal specs were met. Key skills used included Test driven development, Continuous integration, Job processing, and git workflow. (2016)

Demo Video (No Steam required) is a gaming social networking service that allows gamers to be matched up with other gamers based on games they own on their Steam account with the ability to rate matches.

In this project I learned how to build a full Web Application within a 3-person team, increase productivity through the implementation of Agile, and pitch it to 150+ South Florida Tech community members. Built with Ruby on Rails as the backend, PostgreSQL to manage database, Heroku for deployment, Github for Version control, CSS, HTML, and various libraries/gems such as animate.css for animations, omniauth-steam gem for authentication of users, in-conjunction with data parsed from the Steam API.

Web Design (2015)

Koi Asian Cuisine

Implemented design of an Asian fusion cuisine restaurant built with Adobe Muse. Learned how to communicate effectively with clients and propose on-the-fly website designs to successfully capture the feel and decor of the business within a set deadline.

Blue Star Veterans Network

Learned modern web design practices alongside editing web content to create the design of a Veterans tech startup eCommerce website visually appealing to retired United States veterans and their families.

More details on my Linkedin and Resume.

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